Speech Coaching
Some people like private one-on-one speech coaching and we’re here to help. In these powerful sessions, you get a crash course in how to develop and deliver a speech or business presentation that works for you.
We begin with an assessment of current personal speaking strengths and build on what we learn. Everyone has a unique style and that’s what we build upon. It’s no good to try to overcome weaknesses–it just doesn’t work–so we focus on strengths and teach how to use them.
The outcome is a natural, relaxed, dynamic speaker who knows how to deliver a great speech or presentation. You will walk away with a template to use every time you speak. That’s powerful. Private speech coaching is a true confidence builder.

We hold an initial consultation to determine what goals you want to achieve as a speaker.
We do three sessions of approximately 1 – 1 1/2 hours each.
We do focused exercises to help you develop both content and style.
We work on the material you provide to make it work specifically for you and your audience. Editing and revising is part of the overall process.
We evaluate visual aids such as PowerPoint to be sure they are effective.
We emphasize the power of story-telling and help you craft your stories to fit the presentation.
We do several video tapings in each session to help you monitor your progress.
We provide a workbook and a copy of our book, Your Public Speaking Workout.
Each session is extremely intense and outcome driven. We want to make sure you feel confident and comfortable every time you speak in public.
Typical Clients: Managers, Sales People, Executives, Aspiring Professional Speakers
Professional Fee: $2,500
Designed primarily for Vice President of Marketing, Vice President of Sales, and Executive Level Management
Meet 6-8 times within a 6 month time frame to help prepare specific speeches/presentations
Become proficient at impromptu speaking for internal and external business meetings
Develop a speech template for easy access to speech preparation
Do live rehearsals to sharpen every presentation and create powerful openings & closings
Receive consultations “on call” during the process
Be monitored at live events when appropriate
Professional Fee: $7,000
Designed primarily for CEOs, Senior Executives, Entrepreneurs
Meet for initial consultation to select potential speaking venues, e.g., board & investor meetings
Receive speech analysis to ensure speeches are meaningful, powerful and engaging
Get open & honest critique on performances
Use on-call consulting as needed
Create on-going opportunities for speech coaching during the year
Do live rehearsals
Be monitored at live events as appropriate
Use SKYPE or FaceTime as a speech coaching tool
Have fun as a powerful and authentic speaker
Be invited by your constituents to do keynotes if desired
Professional Fee: $15,000